它不是飲食,因為它是一種可持續的生活方式的改變。它不是為了減肥,因為體重減輕是生活方式改變的副作用,它不是 "為了健康而減肥",而是當你變得健康時身體自然會調節到適當的重量。在這裡你可以得到最新的建議和專家的分享。來自不同方面的專家,身體教練,醫學專家,餐飲專家,以及想分享自己經驗的人的技巧和竅門。自學是你低碳水化合物之旅的必修課,在探索自己之前,花點時間在這裡獲得一些方向。享受^^。
Low carb is easy to say than done.
Its not a diet as its a sustainable lifestyle change. Its not for weight lost as weight lost is a side effect of lifestyle change, its not “lose weight to be healthy” but losing weight when you become healthy. Here you can get the latest advices and sharing from experts. Experts from different aspect, body trainer, medical professionals, catering expert and people who want to share their tips and tricks from the own experience. Self study is a must for your low carb journey, before exploring yourself spend sometime here to get some directions. Enjoy ^^.