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Last updated Jul 3, 2021 - 2:17 PM Visible also to unregistered users
低碳生酮BB班03 \*本人並非專業人士純粹個人分享請各位斟酌參考\* 1. 什麼是胰島素? 胰島素係一種係胰線生產出嚟嘅荷爾蒙。因為胰腺形狀似一個島所以叫胰島素。 胰臟亦都係我哋俗稱嘅豬橫脷🐷 同成日食嘅牛膀🐮。 胰島素就好似鎖匙咁可以將葡萄糖帶入細胞作為能量所以當進食時候血糖升高胰島素就會分泌出嚟令到細胞吸收糖分降低血糖。另外胰島素亦會刺激肝臟以糖原(肝糖Glycogen)形式儲存葡萄糖,平均350克是500克。 如果當肝糖已經冇空間再儲存胰島素會刺激身體儲存脂肪。 所以身體長期處於高胰島素狀態會導致脂肪積聚。 2\.  什麼是胰島素阻抗? 胰島素阻抗(Insulin Resistance) 係指身體細胞對胰島素嘅作用敏感度減低。 因為胰島素係荷爾蒙亦都係化學物質,當身體處於長期高胰島素狀態身體就會產生保護機制令細胞敏感度減低。 情況就好似頭痛食頭痛藥要越食越多一樣。 如果身體有胰島素阻抗身體就需要比正常更加多胰島素才能穩定血糖, 而長時間嘅胰島素阻抗會令胰臟長期超負荷OT, 直至胰臟不能承受便有機會確診糖尿病(二型)。 更嚴重嘅係胰島素阻抗會引起身體長期發炎導致代謝症候群。 有關糖尿病管理可以參考 [Michael Hui](mention:5cb7011a-95f8-4737-9405-2cae28c39293 "/u/michael+hui/") 嘅[文章](https://low-carb.digieco.systems/content/perma?id=709)。 ![](file-guid:86371771-efec-4701-9e1b-8d2e3f1003b4 "image.png") 3\. 點樣可以改善胰島素阻抗? 之前講過食物三大營養素之中碳水化合物刺激胰島素最多所以進行低碳飲食係其中一個有效嘅方法減低胰島素分泌令胰臟有機會恢復同令身體對胰島素敏感度提高。 另外因為每次進食都會刺激胰島素所以利用間竭性斷食增加空腹時間亦可以令到身體有較長時間處於低胰島素狀態從而改善胰島素阻抗。 可以參考以下 [Martyn Chen](mention:d31cd519-e35c-4125-bbdb-c6182a6c32c5 "/u/martyn+chen/") 嘅[文章](https://low-carb.digieco.systems/content/perma?id=882)。 \*I am not a professional and purely personal experience sharing only\* 1\. What is insulin? Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas. Insulin is like a key that opens the lock of the cells  to  brings glucose into the cells as energy, so when blood sugar rises during feeding, insulin is secreted to make the cells absorb sugar thus lowering blood sugar. In addition, insulin also stimulates the liver to store glucose in the form of glycogen, up to an average of 350g \~ 500g. If the body has no room to store glucose, insulin will stimulate the body to store fat. Therefore, the body in a high insulin state for a long time will lead to fat accumulation. 2\. What is insulin resistance? Insulin resistance refers to the decrease in sensitivity of body cells to the effects of insulin. Because insulin is a hormone and a chemical, when the body is chronically high in insulin, the body will down regulate cells sensitive to insulin. The situation is similar to taking headache medication for headache, if you take the same medicine for a period of time you will need to increase the dosage to stop the headache. If the body has insulin resistance, the body needs more insulin than normal to stabilize blood glucose, and prolonged insulin resistance will cause the pancreas to become chronically overloaded until the pancreas can no longer cope with it and a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus (type 2) may be confirmed. More seriously, insulin resistance can cause long-term inflammation leading to metabolic syndrome. For more information on diabetes management, please refer to [Michael Hui](mention:5cb7011a-95f8-4737-9405-2cae28c39293 "/u/michael+hui/")‘s [article](https://low-carb.digieco.systems/content/perma?id=709). 3\. How can insulin resistance be improved? As mentioned before, carbohydrates stimulate insulin the most among the three major nutrients in food, so a low-carb diet is one of the effective ways to reduce insulin secretion so that the pancreas can have a chance to recover and the body can become more sensitive to insulin. In addition, because each meal stimulates insulin, the use of intermittent fasting to increase fasting time also allows the body to stay in a low insulin state for a longer period of time, thus improving insulin resistance.